Lenne is a style that adds timeless elegance to any ensemble. This eye-catching block high-heel platform provides style and elegance to any outfit.
Schutz Ariella flatforms Vinyl Sandal μαυρα | g40Bj5a
Schutz Elyda flatforms Sandal χρυσο χρωμα | hsMhSg6
Schutz Cadey-Lee flatforms Specchio δερματινα Sandal ασημι | pCm41nv
Schutz Keefa High Nappa δερματινα Sandal πρασινο | z3sXVFg
Schutz Keefa Sandal: Disco Glamour Shoe ασημι | VdBYMea
Schutz Lenne Nappa δερματινα Sandal ροζ | qrMQ5Is
Schutz Haila Vinyl & σουετ Sandal Μπεζ | xoBTaaK
Schutz Cadey-Lee flatforms Specchio δερματινα Sandal ροζ | NAuqDpH